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11 Ways to Start Your Day Over

Having a rough day? There's a 12-step expression that says, "you can start your day over anytime." But when you're feeling crappy, it can be hard to think of how to do that!

So here's a list of simple ways to start your day over...

1. Breaktime!

Take a break from whatever you're doing and grab a healthy treat (my fave is decaf coffee)

2. Laughter is the best medicine.

Call your funniest friend or queue up something on YouTube for a few minutes so you can just have a laugh.

3. Connect with nature.

Go outside and feel the sun, or the breeze, or the rain on your face.

4. HALT!

Do a "HALT" check! Are you:





Identify which one you may be experiencing, and then you can address it!

5. "It's hard to be nervous when your heart is on service."

Do something nice for someone near you. (It's been said that the quickest way to feel better is to help someone else!)

6. Get support in problem-solving/processing your feelings.

Write down the thing that's worrying you - no details, just the facts. Sometimes it helps just to get something out of your head and on paper. Then, ask an objective friend to help you come up with one simple solution or just the "next right action" for you in this situation.

7. Gentleness is how we change.

Choose to be gentle with yourself. No negative self-talk for a whole minute! Then the next minute. Then the next minute.

8. Get into someone else's headspace!

Read something comforting, inspiring, or motivating from one of your favorite writers. Don't have a go-to reading? Try this!

9. Get creative.

Sing a song, draw a doodle, write a silly poem, create a fun Instagram post.

10. A moment of gratitude.

Write a thank you note to someone who did something nice for you, no matter how long ago it was.

11. "Move a muscle, change a thought."

More 12-step wisdom here! If you can't do an entire workout, that's ok! Sometimes just going for a short walk or moving around can help shift your mood!

What do you do when you are trying to start your day over? Share your ideas in the comments!

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